Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the classes for a search for members
from marshmallow import fields, pre_dump

from .base import BaseSchema

[docs]class SearchSchema(BaseSchema): """ Base class for search parameters You could just use :func:`json.dumps` on a dictionary to create the search string but this would bypass all the type and spell checking. This also takes care of the miss-spelled search key ``'mitgliedsNummber'`` so that the user of this |API| can use the correct spelling. Example: .. code-block:: python :caption: Generate the search string from import SearchSchema searchKeys = {'vorname': 'Max', 'nachname': 'Mustermann'} searchedValues = SearchSchema().dumps(searchKeys, separators=(',', ':')) print(searchedValues) .. code-block:: python :caption: Make direct use of the search keys by searching for all Wölflinge and Jungpfadfinder from import tabulate2x from pynami.nami import NaMi with NaMi(username='MITGLIEDSNUMMER', password='PASSWORD') as nami: searchResults =[1,2]) print(tabulate2x(searchResults)) """ vorname = fields.String() """str: First Name""" funktion = fields.String() """str: Unused tag""" organisation = fields.String() """str: Unused tag""" nachname = fields.String() """str: Surname""" alterVon = fields.String() """str: Minimal age""" alterBis = fields.String() """str: Maximal age""" mglWohnort = fields.String() """str: City""" mitgliedsNummer = fields.String(data_key='mitgliedsNummber') """str: The |DPSG| id""" mglStatusId = fields.String(allow_none=True, default=None) """str: If the member is active""" mglTypeId = fields.List(fields.String) """:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: Kind of membership""" tagId = fields.List(fields.Integer) """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Kinds of fees""" bausteinIncludeId = fields.List(fields.Integer) """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: Possible completed trainings""" spitzname = fields.String() """str: Nickname""" zeitschriftenversand = fields.Boolean() """bool: If the member gets the |DPSG| newpaper""" gruppierung4Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Unused""" gruppierung5Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Unused""" gruppierung6Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Unused""" privacy = fields.String() """str: Unused""" searchName = fields.String() """str: Unused""" untergliederungId = fields.List(fields.Integer) """int: Tiers in which the members are active""" taetigkeitId = fields.List(fields.Integer) """:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`: List of activities the mambers are comitted to""" mitAllenTaetigkeiten = fields.Boolean(default=False) """bool: Whether to search in all active activities""" withEndedTaetigkeiten = fields.Boolean(default=False) """bool: Whether to search also in activities that have already ended""" # This group and the following are mutually exclusive ebeneId = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Represents a |DPSG| structural level""" grpNummer = fields.String() """str: Group id""" grpName = fields.String() """str: Group name""" gruppierung1Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Group id of a Diözese""" gruppierung2Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Group id of a Bezirk""" gruppierung3Id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True, default=None) """int: Group id of a Stamm""" inGrp = fields.Boolean(default=False) """bool: Whether to search in the group""" unterhalbGrp = fields.Boolean(default=False) """bool: Whether to search in subgroups""" searchType = fields.String(default='MITGLIEDER') """str: Default search type. Not even strictly neccessary."""
[docs] class Meta(BaseSchema.Meta): """ Extended :class:`marshmallow.Schema.Meta` class for further configuration """ ordered = True """bool: All attributes shall be dumped in code order"""
[docs] @pre_dump def correct_spelling(self, data, **kwargs): """ Check for missspelled or incorrect data before dumping. Realized by the :func:`~marshmallow.decorators.pre_dump` decorator. Args: data (dict): Data set to be dumped Returns: dict: Corrected data Raises: KeyError: When there is a search key that is not an attribute of this class """ if 'mitgliedsNummber' in data: data['mitgliedsNummer'] = data.pop('mitgliedsNummber') clsdict = self.__class__.__dict__['_declared_fields'] for key in data.keys(): if isinstance(clsdict[key], fields.List): if not isinstance(data[key], list): data[key] = [data[key]] return data