Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Some utility functions for user convenience
# Standard library imports
import io
import os
import csv
import webbrowser
import datetime
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename

# Third party imports
from tabulate import tabulate
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet.table import Table, TableStyleInfo
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter

[docs]def send_emails(mitglieder, to='', method='bcc', email1=True, email2=True, open_browser=True): """ Send emails to several members. Args: mitglieder (list): The List contents can be either :class:`~pynami.schemas.SearchMitglied` or :class:`~pynami.schemas.Mitglied` to (:obj:`str`, optional): Primary recipient method (:obj:`str`, optional): If you want to send your mails as bcc or something else. Currently only bcc is supported. email1 (:obj:`bool`, optional): If emails should be send to the primary address of the members. email2 (:obj:`bool`, optional): If emails should be send to the email account of the member's parent. open_browser (:obj:`bool`, optional): If :data:`True` the link is opened directly by the system. On a computer this may open your default mail program. Returns: str: The mailto link """ recipients = [] if email1: recipients += [ for mgl in mitglieder if] if email2: recipients += [mgl.emailVertretungsberechtigter for mgl in mitglieder if mgl.emailVertretungsberechtigter] url = f"mailto:{to}?{method}={','.join(set(recipients))}" if open_browser:, new=1) return url
[docs]def tabulate2x(objs, elements=None): """ Tabulate a list of objects by tabulating each object first Args: obj (list): The list of objects to tabulate. If they are not from the same class this may not work. elements (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`, optional): List of keys which should be displayed Returns: str: Nicely formatted tabulated output """ return tabulate([x.tabulate(elements=elements) for x in objs], headers='keys')
[docs]def make_csv(data, attrs=None, includeheader=True, delimiter=','): """ Makes a |CSV| formatted string from a data set Args: data (list): Data objects. They should all belong to the same class. attrs (:obj:`list` of `str`, optional): Attribute names for the |CSV| table. If left empty (:data:`None`) the value of the first :attr:`~.schemas.base.BaseModel._tabkeys` attribute in the list is taken. includeheader (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to include headers in the output. Defaults to :data:`True`. Returns: str: |CSV| formatted data """ if not data: return '' if not attrs: attrs = data[0]._tabkeys data = [x.tabulate(attrs) for x in data] output = io.StringIO() w = csv.DictWriter(output, attrs, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, delimiter=delimiter) if includeheader: w.writeheader() w.writerows(data) return output.getvalue()
[docs]def export_xlsx(data, attrs=None, includeheader=True, tableName='Tabelle1', sheetName='Data', write_to_file=False, filepath=''): """ Create a Microsoft Excel Wokbook from a given dataset. The data can optionally be saved to a file. Args: data (list): Data objects. They should all belong to the same class. attrs (:obj:`list` of `str`, optional): Attribute names for the |CSV| table. If left empty (:data:`None`) the value of the first :attr:`~.schemas.base.BaseModel._tabkeys` attribute in the list is taken. includeheader (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to include headers in the output. Defaults to :data:`True`. tableName (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the table. Defaults to `'Tabelle1'`. sheetName (:obj:`str`, optional): Name of the worksheet. Defaults to `'Data'`. write_to_file (:obj:`bool`, optional): If the workbook should be saved to a file. Defaults to :data:`False`. filepath (:obj:`str`, optional): Full path to the Excel file where the data should be saved. If left empty the default savefile dialog will be invoked via the module :mod:`tkinter`. Returns: :class:`~openpyxl.workbook.workbook.Workbook`: The created workbook. """ wb = Workbook() if not data: return wb # Get headings and format data if not attrs: attrs = data[0]._tabkeys data = [[getattr(x, a) for a in attrs] for x in data] # Write data to worksheet ws = ws.title = sheetName if includeheader: ws.append(attrs) for row in data: ws.append(row) for row in ws: for cell in row: if isinstance(cell.value, (datetime.datetime, cell.value = cell.value.strftime('%d.%m.%Y') cell.number_format = '' # Create the table tab = Table(displayName=tableName, ref='A1:' + get_column_letter(ws.max_column) + str(ws.max_row)) style = TableStyleInfo(name="TableStyleLight1", showFirstColumn=False, showLastColumn=False, showRowStripes=True, showColumnStripes=False) tab.tableStyleInfo = style # Add the table to the worksheet ws.add_table(tab) # Optional saving as file if write_to_file: if not filepath: Tk().withdraw() filepath = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[('Excel files', '*.xlsx')], initialdir = os.getcwd(), defaultextension=".xlsx") if filepath: # Return the workbook return wb